Check out the weather in your favourite holiday region

Current weather forecast for Kappl

Everyone knows how tricky it can be to pack the right clothes for your holiday. Will it be raining and do I need to pack something warm to wear? To help you choose the right outfit and footwear for your holiday, it’s useful to check out the latest weather forecast.

In addition, it’s a good idea to take a look at our webcams and snow depth reports to get all the information you need for your upcoming holiday in Kappl. Get ready for your trip and check out the current weather forecast!

  • 4° / 7°
  • 80% / 60%
  • 0 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1300 m
    0°C Zero degree level

Weather forecast

Between low-pressure areas over the European continent and a high-pressure system over the Atlantic, the Alps will experience a strong, northerly airflow this week. This will result in continuously accumulating moist and cold air masses of polar origin on the northern side of the Alps. The main Alpine ridge will experience slightly more favorable weather conditions. However, the snow line will generally be around or even below 1000 meters above sea level, leading to wintry conditions even in low-lying valleys. Wednesday and Thursday will be highly changeable, living up to the April reputation. With often strong cloud cover but occasional breaks, numerous, sometimes intense showers will develop in the somewhat unstable atmosphere. Particularly in the northwestern and northern windward areas, these showers may persist for longer periods and be quite heavy. After a brief period of calmer weather on Friday, a new low-pressure system from Scandinavia will direct a highly active frontal system towards the Alps for the weekend. This will bring further heavy snowfall, especially in the northern windward areas, which may continue until the beginning of next week.

  • -2° / 4°
  • 100% / 90%
  • 0 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1100 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • -3° / 4°
  • 50% / 80%
  • 1 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1000 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • -3° / 6°
  • 0% / 50%
  • 1 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1500 m
    0°C Zero degree level

  • 0° / 6°
  • 90% / 90%
  • 0 h
    hours of sunshine
  • 1000 m
    0°C Zero degree level

Current conditions

  Temperature Wind* Webcam
Kappl 1,180 m 7 °C - Open
Diasbahn Bergstation 1,830 m 10 °C 0 km/h Open
Alblittkopf 2,700 m
-11 °C 53 km/h

* With the measured wind speeds bargain on a 10-minute average. Gusts which may reach higher wind speeds will go under this time. Wind gusts may be 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 times over the 10-minute average.