weather in Kappl
Real-time information from your holiday region
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Weather today
9 °C / 18 °C
Sunshine hours
2 h
Weather forecast for Kappl
How’s the weather?
The Alps are increasingly experiencing a large-scale south foehn flow, bringing in sustained warmer air masses. At the same time, weather differences between the southern and northern sides of the Alps are intensifying. On Wednesday and Thursday, denser clouds will primarily accumulate along the main Alpine ridge from the south, while to the north, a periodically strong south wind will bring extended sunny periods and consistently dry conditions. However, the air remains generally humid and unstable, meaning that the northern Alpine region will continue to experience variable weather, with no clear or sustained sunshine. This is especially true for Friday and Saturday, when a slight disturbance from the south may become noticeable. The weather will only turn more pleasant and sunnier everywhere from Sunday onward, and it will remain comfortably warm.
Avalanche warning
2 Moderate
The avalanche warning level refers to the Kappl ski area
Live from Kappl
Your stay in Kappl is approaching - now it's time to pack your bags! Important now: a precise weather forecast. But in Kappl, no weather forecaster is needed. The latest data and live images are available via webcam .
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